Grams (g) are a unit of measurement for a weight. One gram is the equivalent of 0.1 decagrams (dag). This means that one kilogram is converted to 1,000 grams ("kilo" = "thousand"). The specification in g is mainly required for smaller weights. Larger weights are given in kilograms or tons.




Table - Kilogram in gram

Kilogram (kg) gram (g)
1 kg 1.000,00 g
10 kg 10.000,00 g
25 kg 25.000,00 g
50 kg 50.000,00 g
100 kg 100.000,00 g

Table - gram in Kilogram

gram (g) Kilogram (kg)
1 g 0,00 kg
5 g 0,01 kg
25 g 0,03 kg
50 g 0,05 kg
1000 g 1,00 kg

All information is without guarantee

Use calculator:

  • Select what you want to convert.
  • Enter the number of kilograms or the number of grams in the calculator.
  • Click on "generate" to get the result.

Calculator | Table

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