The ounce(oz.) is a unit of measurement that can have different values in different systems. The most common unit is the avoirdupois ounce, which is used particularly in the USA. The conversion from ounce to other units can vary depending on the application. One ounce corresponds to 28.3495 grams.




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Avoirdupois ounce

The avoirdupois ounce, often simply referred to as an "ounce", is common in the USA and other countries that use the imperial system. It is often used in gastronomy and trade.

In grams

1 avoirdupois ounce is approximately equal to:

  • 28.3495 grams

In pounds

16 ounces (oz.) form:

  • 1 pound (lb.)

Troy ounce

The troy ounce is traditionally used for precious metals such as gold, silver and precious stones.

In grams

1 troy ounce corresponds to approx:

  • 31.1035 grams

In troy pounds

12 troy ounces make up:

  • 1 troy pound

Fluid ounce

In addition to the weight units, there is also a unit for volume, the fluid ounce.

In milliliters

1 US fluid ounce corresponds to

  • approx. 29.5735 milliliters

1 UK fluid ounce corresponds to

  • approx. 28.4131 milliliters

In liters

There are 32 US fluid ounces in:

  • 1 US quart (approx. 0.946 liters)

There are 20 UK fluid ounces in:

  • 1 UK pint (approx. 0.568 liters)


The conversion from ounce to other units depends heavily on the context and the type of ounce. It is important to distinguish between the different types of ounces, especially when dealing with precious metals or recipes in the kitchen. However, with the right conversion factors, you can easily switch between these units.

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