The short ton, often known simply as ton or American ton, is a unit of mass that is mainly used in the USA. It corresponds to 2,000 pounds or approximately 907.185 kilograms. It is also known as the US ton.
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Use calculator:
- Enter the number of short tons into the calculator.
- Select the unit into which the short tons are to be converted.
- Click on "generate" to get the result.
Short ton in pounds
One of the most common conversions with the short ton is to pounds (lb). One short ton equals 2,000 pounds.
Short ton to kilogram
To convert short tons to kilograms, use the conversion factor from pounds to kilograms. One short ton is therefore equal to 907.185 kilograms.
Short ton to long ton
The long ton, also known as the British ton, is mainly used in the United Kingdom and is heavier than the short ton (American ton). One short ton is equal to 0.8929 long tons.
Short ton to metric ton
The metric ton (t) is the unit used in most other countries. One short ton is equal to 0.9072 metric tons.
Short ton in ounces
Sometimes it can be useful to convert the short ton into ounces (oz). One short ton is 32,000 ounces.
Converting short tons to other units is an essential process, especially for professionals working in international industries. It is important to know and understand the differences between the various 'tons' - short ton, long ton and metric ton - to avoid confusion or potential errors when converting
- Carat
- Centigram
- Decagram
- Decigram
- Decitonne
- Femtogram
- Gigatonne
- Gram
- Gram in carat
- Gram in decigrams
- Gram in micrograms
- Gram in milligrams
- Gram in nanogram
- Gram in ounce
- Kilogram
- Kilogram in decagrams
- Kilogram in grams
- Kilogram in hundredweight
- Kilogram in Pound
- Kilogram in pounds
- Kilograms in tons
- Kiloton
- Long tone
- Megaton
- Micrograms
- Milligram
- Nanogram
- Ounce
- Picogram
- Pound
- Pound
- Short tone
- Teratonne
- Ton
- Ton in decitonne
- Ton in gigatonne
- Ton in kiloton
- Ton in Long ton
- Ton in Short ton
- Tonne in megatonne
- Zentner